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Гдз по английскому языку 5 класс биболетова make up sentences
For a minute I imagined myself as a seaman! Make up questions using the tags. Я надеюсь, что Вы признаете. For two weeks she. How long are you going to stay in Moscow, then? Послушай четыре рассказа детей о летних каникулах. Example: Denis is the best. Faster, Higher, Stronger — If you want to run fast, jump high, and be strong, our athletics club is for you. Katya: The longest holidays are in summer. For the British, any lime is eat-a-sweet time: tea-break at work, break at school, watching TV at home, on a car journey in the cinema or theatre.
Students should spend the whole day at school from 8 a. Katya: Do you want me to read it aloud? For a minute I imagined sentwnces as a seaman! Ну, утром мы провели 3 часа, уча английский язык. I think it's because of Barby.
Я также путешествовал много этим летом. In the afternoon Julia and her parents arrived at the hotel. Last week our teacher.

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